Welfare Reform Changes Having Unintended Consequences on Women’s Refuge

As Chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, Dame Anne regularly has the opportunity to question the Prime Minister at the Liaison Committee.

The most recent meeting of the Committee took place on Tuesday 14th January and focused on the following themes:

(1)               Violence against women and girls

(2)               Energy policy and environmental priorities

Dame Anne, therefore, took the opportunity to question David Cameron on what the Government are doing to ensure that all women’s refuges are not adversely affected by the changes to welfare. Dame Anne highlighted that some refuges have faced closure as the exemptions have not been applied to all of them. The closure of any refuges would create gaps in provision and have a serious impact on women attempting to flee violent partners.  

The Prime Minister pledged to discuss the issue with the Department of Work and Pensions.

You can watch the full session here: http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Main/Player.aspx?meetingId=14620

Dame Anne’s contribution begins at 16.59.08.